Publication - Other
Books, monographs and reports (* = commissioned)
Winter, S. (1997). Child Development in a Chinese Social Context. Hong Kong: Open University of Hong Kong. (81pp).
Wheldall, K., Wheldall, D. and Winter, S. (1988). Seven Supertactics for Superparents. Windsor: NFER-Nelson, Positive Products. (30pp).
Winter, S. (1985). Social Skills Training. Unit 34 in the series 'TIPS for Teachers', edited by R. Dawson. Basingstoke: MacMillan Education. (14pp).
Refereed journal articles (* invited)
Lam, J. and Winter, S. (2000). Developing positive attitudes for life in the twenty first Century: the `Thought Power’ programme used with teenage students in Hong Kong. School Psychology International, 21, 2, 136-151 doi:

Cheung C.C. and Winter, S. (1999). Classwide peer tutoring with or without reinforcement: effects on academic responding, content coverage, achievement, intrinsic interest and reported project experiences. Educational Psychology, 19, 2, 191-205. doi: https://10.1080/0144341990190206

Winter, S. (1998). International comparisons of student achievement: can they tell us which nations perform best and which education systems are the most successful? Education 3 to 13, 26, 2, 26-32.

Winter, S. (1997). Of time and content coverage in instruction: lessons from paired reading: a reply to Topping. Educational Psychology in Practice, 13, 2, 15-23.

Winter, S. (1996). Paired reading: three questions. Educational Psychology in Practice, 12, 3, 182-189.

Winter, S. (1996). Teachers' expectations towards disruptives. Psychologia, 39, 2, 102-108.
Winter, S. (1996). Peer tutored instruction in reading. Mentoring and Tutoring, 3, 3, 3-11.

Winter, S. (1993). What do Hong Kong teachers expect of high- and low-performing pupils? Psychologia, 36, 3, 167-178.
Winter, S., Leung, Y.W. and Ma, K.H. (1992). Perceptions of effectiveness of rewards and punishments: A comparison of high- and low-achievers in secondary school. Australasian Journal of Special Education, 15, 1/2, 56-70.

Winter, S. (1991). What really happens during a paired reading project? British Journal of Special Education, 18, 1, 20-24. https://10.1111/j.1467-8578.1991.tb00832.x

Winter, S. (1991). Are behavioural classroom management approaches appropriate to a non-western education system? School Psychology International, 12, 3, 209-221.
Winter, S. (1991). Aggressive behaviour in young pupils: An intervention package. Positive Teaching, 2, 1, 1-17.
Winter, S. (1990). Aggressive behaviour in young pupils: An intervention package. New Horizons, 31, 83-90.
Winter, S. (1990). Teacher approval and disapproval in Hong Kong Secondary School Classrooms. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 60, 88-92.

Winter, S. (1990). Paired reading: two questions. Educational Psychology in Practice, 6, 2, 96-99.

Winter, S., Glenville, E. and Lendrum, A. (1990). Direct instruction spelling: two Hong Kong Projects. School Psychology International, 11, 1, 45-54.

Winter, S. (1989). Paired reading projects in Hong Kong: second and Chinese language applications. School Psychology International, 10, 25-35.

Winter, S. (1989). Behavioural measurement and unruly behaviour in Hong Kong Schools. New Horizons, 30, 108-115.
Winter, S. (1989). Process and outcome in tuition for reading: the case of paired reading. Educational Research Journal, 4, 92-100.
Winter, S. (1988). Paired reading: a study of process and outcome. Educational Psychology, 8, 3, 135-151.

Winter, S. (1988). Teacher-pupil interaction in secondary school classrooms. Education Papers, 4, University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education, 66-83.
Winter, S. (1987). Parents and pupils as remedial tutors. Bulletin of the Hong Kong Psychological Society, 18, 15-32.
Winter, S. (1987). Irlen lenses: An appraisal. Australian Educational and Developmental Psychologist, 4, 2, 1-5.

Winter, S. (1987). Rose-tinted spectacles: the debate continues. International Educational Review, 1, 1, 8.
Winter, S. (1986). Peers as paired reading tutors. British Journal of Special Education, 13, 3, 103-106.
(Reprinted in part in UNESCO (1993), Special Needs in the Classroom Unit 4.4: Peer Tutoring) Paris: UNESCO).

Winter, S. and Thobrun, S. (1986). Establishing normal sleep patterns with the parents as therapists. Behavioural Approaches with Children, 10, 3, 49-52.
Winter, S. (1985). Julie: A programme with a fourteen year old elective mute. Behavioural Approaches with Children, 9, 1, 8-10.
Winter, S. (1984). Peer therapy for elective mutism. Behavioural Approaches with Children, 8, 4, 134-137.
Winter, S. and Low, A. (1984). The Rossmere peer tutor project. Behavioural Approaches with
Children, 8, 2, 62-65.
Winter, S. (1984). Reflections upon ethics. Behavioural Approaches with Children, 8, 1, 1-2.
Winter, S. (1983). Rewarding work output of a child with poor attention: you get what you reward. Behavioural Approaches with Children, 7, 4, 12-16.
Winter, S. (1983). Precision teaching in mainstream schools: a role for parents. Behavioural Approaches with Children, 7, 3, 26-37.
Winter, S. (1983). Behavioural casework: alive and well? Behavioural Social Work Review, 5, 2, 26-29.
Winter, S. (1983). Cultivating the caregivers (II). Behavioural Approaches with Children, 7, 1, 33-43. (Reprinted in Behavioural Social Work Review, 6, 1, 1985, 25-38).
Winter, S., Smith, D., McGrahan, P. and Head, M. (1982). Guidance System. Social Work Today, 13, 28, 14-15.
Winter, S. (1982). Cultivating the caregivers (I). Behavioural Approaches with Children, 6, 4, 31-42. (Reprinted in Behavioural Social Work Review, 1984, 5, 3, 9-20).
Winter, S. (1982). Classroom disruptive behaviour: a plea for balance. Behavioural Approaches with Children, 6, 2, 20-22.
Winter, S. and Smith, D. (1982). A questionnaire on behavioural techniques. Behavioural Approaches with Children, 6, 2, 49-51.
Winter, S. (1982). A priority problem list questionnaire. Behavioural Approaches with Children, 6, 1, 24-26.
Winter, S. (1982). An aggressive nursery child. Behavioural Approaches with Children, 6, 1, 18-22.
Winter, S. (1982). Emily: A home programme designed to train up positive play and reduce inappropriate play behaviour. Behavioural Social Work Review, 1982, 3, 3, 30-34.
Winter, S. (1982). Why measure behaviour? Educational Psychology, 2, 3/4, 185-195.

Winter, S. (1981). New developments in behavioural work with children. Journal of the Association of Educational Psychologists. 5, 5, 78.
Winter, S., Carter, B. and Low, A. (1981). A technology to replace an Art. Community Care, 376, September 3rd, 20-21.
Winter, S. (1981). Behavioural objectives and educational psychology. Journal of the Association of Educational Psychologists. 5, 7, 36-40.
Winter, S. (1981). Psychiatry in the witness box. Social Work Today, 12, 43, 14.
Winter, S. (1981). Operant Conditioning, Motivation and Spelling. Behavioural Approaches with Children, 5, 4, 16-17.
Winter, S. (1981). A behavioural approach to a four year old's restless behaviour. Behavioural Approaches with Children, 5, 3, 18-24.
Winter, S. (1981). Dysgraphia: how should we help a child who reverses letters? Behavioural Approaches with Children, 5, 2, 20-30.
Winter, S. (1980). Behavioural objectives and this Journal. Behaviour Modification with Children, 4, 4, 8-15.
Winter, S. (1980). An intervention package for establishing play and interaction behaviour and eliminating aggression in nursery and reception class children. Behaviour Modification with Children, 4, 3, 1-6.
Winter, S. (1980). Terry: Classroom refusal. Behaviour Modification with Children, 4, 2, 5-10.
Winter, S. (1980). Treatment of aggression in a four year old: a close replication of a study reported in an earlier issue. Behaviour Modification with Children, 4, 2, 5-10.
Winter, S. (1980). Michael Moore: Follow up after one year. Behaviour Modification with Children, 4, 1, 20.
Winter, S. (1979). Nigel: A follow up study eleven months after the end of treatment. Newsletter of the Association for Behaviour Modification with Children, 3, 4, 2.
Winter, S. (1979). Andrew: A follow up study eight months after the end of treatment. Newsletter of the Association for Behaviour Modification with Children, 3, 4, 2-3.
Winter, S. (1979). Training memory skills. Newsletter of the Association for Behaviour Modification with Children, 3, 2, 7-10.
Winter, S. (1979). Treatment of aggression in a four year old. Newsletter of the Association for Behaviour Modification with Children, 3, 1, 11-17.
Winter, S. (1979). Observing one's own behaviour. Journal of the Association of Educational Psychologists, 5, 1, 74-75.
Winter, S. (1978). Behaviour modification with a nursery child: An inane game reaps rewards. Newsletter of the Association for Behaviour Modification with Children, 2, 4, 11-12.
Winter, S. (1978). Behaviour modification in the special care class of an ESN(M) School. Newsletter of the Association for Behaviour Modification with Children, 2, 2, 11-13.
Chapters in books and other edited works (* invited)
Cheung C.C. and Winter, S. (1998). Classwide peer tutoring: what role does reinforcement play? In Richardson, A. (Ed.) Childhood and Youth: An International Odyssey. Edmonton: Kanata Learning Company (91-105).
Lam, J. and Winter, S. (1998). Developing emotional intelligence in the school of the 21st century: thought power in action. In Richardson, A. (Ed.) Childhood and Youth: An International Odyssey. Edmonton: Kanata Learning Company (353-362).
Winter, S. (1998). International comparisons of student achievement: a critical analysis. In Richardson, A. (Ed.) Childhood and Youth: An International Odyssey. Edmonton: Kanata Learning Company (195-203).
* Winter, S. (1996). Peer tutoring and learning outcomes. Ch. 11 in Watkins, D. and Biggs, J. (Eds.) The Chinese Learner: Cultural, Psychological and Contextual Influences. Melbourne: Australian Council for Educational Research and Hong Kong: The Comparative Education Research Centre, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong.
* Winter, S. (1995). Teacher expectations. Ch. 2 in Biggs, J. and Watkins, D. (Eds.) Classroom Learning: Educational Psychology for the Asian Teacher. Singapore: Prentice Hall.
* Winter, S. (1995). Student interaction and relationships. Ch. 3 in Biggs, J. and Watkins, D. (Eds.). Classroom Learning: Educational Psychology for the Asian Teacher. Singapore: Prentice Hall.
* Winter, S. (1995). Managing classroom behaviour. Ch. 4 in Biggs, J. and Watkins, D. (Eds.) Classroom Learning: Educational Psychology for the Asian Teacher. Singapore: Prentice Hall.
Note: Reprinted in Hau K.T., Rao, N., and Pryde, N., (1996). Educational Psychology: Course Guide. Hong Kong: Open University of Hong Kong.
Winter, S. (1993). Social isolates in Hong Kong secondary schools: prevalence and teachers' ability to identify such students. Ch.1 in Winter, S. (Ed.) Special Students in Mainstream Schools. Education Paper Series, 19. Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong.
Winter, S. (1993). Ability and isolation in Hong Kong schools. Ch.2 in Winter, S. (Ed.) Special Students in Mainstream Schools. Education Paper Series, 19. Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong.
Winter, S. (1993). Teacher expectations towards high- and low-performing students in secondary school.
Ch.3 in Winter, S. (Ed.) Special Students in Mainstream Schools. Education Paper Series, 19. Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong.
Winter, S. (1993). Patterns of teacher approval and disapproval for low- and high-ability students. Ch.4 in Winter, S. (Ed.) Special Students in Mainstream Schools. Education Paper Series, 19. Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong.
Winter, S. and Leung Y.W. (1993). Perceptions of effectiveness of rewards and punishments in secondary
schools: The perspective of the disaffected pupil. Ch.5 in Winter, S. (Ed.) Special Students in Mainstream Schools. Education Paper Series, 19, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong.
Winter, S. (1993). Family break-up and single parenting: adverse emotional and behavioural consequences
for the children involved. Ch.8 in Winter, S. (Ed.) Special Students in Mainstream Schools. Education Paper Series,19. Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong.
Winter, S. (1993). A special educational needs course: effects upon attitudes and beliefs. Ch.11 in Winter, S. (Ed.) Special Students in Mainstream Schools. Education Paper Series, 19. Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong.
Winter, S. (1993). Integrating coursework and fieldwork in professional training for educational psychologists. Ch.13 in Winter, S. (Ed.) Special Students in Mainstream Schools. Education Paper Series, 19, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong.
Winter, S. (1991). Developing a profession of educational psychology; training and practice. Ch.3 in Crawford, N. and Hui, E.K.P. (Eds.) The Curriculum and Behaviour Problems in Schools. Education Paper Series, 11. University of Hong Kong Faculty of Education.
* Winter, S. (1990). Process and outcome in tuition for reading: the case of paired reading. Ch.15 in Explorations in Peer Tutoring, Eds. S. Goodlad and B. Hirst, London: Blackwell.
Winter, S. (1990). Why does peer tutoring work? Human and organisational factors. Ch. 23 in Making Learning Systems Work: Aspects of Educational Technology, Eds. Farmer, B., Eastcott, D. and Lantz, B.. London: Kogan Page.
* Winter, S. (1986). Why measure behaviour? Chapter A1 in Behaviour Analysis in Educational Psychology. Edited by K. Wheldall, F. Merrett and T. Glynn. London: Croom Helm.
* Winter, S. (1985). Giving parents a choice: teaching paired reading and pause, prompt and praise strategies in a workshop setting. Ch.22 in Parental Involvement in Children’s Reading Ed. K. Topping and S. Wolfendale. London: Croom Helm.
Published conference proceedings
Winter, S. (1992). Professional training for educational psychologists in Hong Kong. In Toh K.A. (Ed.) Curriculum Research and Practice: Cauldron or Crucible? Proceedings of Sixth Annual Conference of the Educational Research Association of Singapore. Educational Research Association of Singapore. 357-365.
Selected other publications:
Winter, S (1988). Caution on Irlen lenses (Letter to Editor). Educational Psychology in Practice, 3, 4, p64.
Winter, S. (1979,1980,1981). A.B.A.C. Resources Directory (Editions 1,2 and 3). Birmingham: Association for Behavioural Approaches for Children (around 40pp).