Publications - Sexuality and Gender
Books, monographs and reports
Davis-McCabe,C, Winter,S., Russell,C, Wilde,D and Wong,J (2020). Denied work: an audit of employment discrimination on the basis of gender identity in Malaysia. Bangkok: Asia Pacific Transgender Network and United Nations Development Programme.

Davis-McCabe,C, Winter,S., Russell,C, Wilde,D and Wong,J (2020). Denied work: an audit of employment discrimination on the basis of gender identity in Singapore. Bangkok: Asia Pacific Transgender Network and United Nations Development Programme.

Winter, S., Davis-McCabe,C., Russell,C, Suparak,PA, and Wong,J (2020). Denied work: an audit of employment discrimination on the basis of gender identity in Thailand. Bangkok: Asia Pacific Transgender Network and United Nations Development Programme.

Winter,S., Davis-McCabe,C, Russell,C, Chu HT, and Wong,J (2020). Denied work: an audit of employment discrimination on the basis of gender identity in Vietnam. Bangkok: Asia Pacific Transgender Network and United Nations Development Programme.

Winter, S., Davis-McCabe, C., Russell, C., Wilde, D., Chu, T.H., Suparak, P. and Wong, J. (2019). Denied Work: An audit of employment discrimination on the basis of gender identity in Asia. Bangkok: Asia Pacific Transgender Network and United Nations Development Programme.

Strauss,P., Cook,A., Winter,S., Watson,V., Wright-Toussaint,D, and Lin,A. (2017). Trans-Pathways: the mental health experiences and care pathways of trans young people - summary of results. Perth: Telethon Kids Institute.

Winter, S. (2012). Lost in Transition: transgender people, rights and HIV vulnerability in the Asia-Pacific region. Bangkok: UNDP-APTN.

Coleman, E., Bockting, W., Botzer, M., Cohen-Kettenis, P., DeCuypere, G., Feldman, J., Fraser, L., Green, J., Knudson, G., Meyer, W., Monstrey, S., Adler, R., Brown, G., Devor, A., Ehrbar, R., Ettner, R., Eyler, E., Garofalo, R., Karasic, D., Lev, A.I ., Mayer, G., Meyer-Bahlburg, H., Hall, B. P., Pfaefflin, F., Rachlin, K., Robinson, B., Schechter, L., Tangpricha, V., van Trotsenburg, M., Vitale, A., Winter, S., Whittle, S., Wylie, K., & Zucker, K. (2011). Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender Nonconforming People, 7th Version, Minneapolis: World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH). (112pp)

Refereed journal articles
Strauss,P., Winter,S., Waters,Z., Watson,V., Wright Toussaint,D., and Lin,A. (2021) Perspectives of trans and gender diverse young people accessing primary care and medical transition services: findings from Trans Pathways" International Journal of Transgender Health. Published online 17/2/21.

Strauss,P., Lin, A., Winter,S., Waters,Z., Watson,V., Wright Toussaint,D., and Cook,A. (2020) Options and realities of care for trans and gender diverse young people in Australia’s mental health system. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. Published online 17/11/20

Ilami,A and Winter,S (2020) Iranian Migrants’ Lived Experiences of Access to Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare in Western Australia: A Conventional Content Analysis. Submitted to Journal of Sexuality Research and Social Policy. Published online 21/7/20.

Strauss, P, Winter, S., Cook, A., Lin, A. (2020) Supporting the health of trans patients in the context of Australian general practice. Australian Journal of General Practice, 49, 7. 401-405

Strauss,P, Cook,A., Winter,S, Watson, V., and Lin,A. (2020). Mental health and complex experiences of abuse in trans and gender diverse young people: findings from Trans Pathways. LGBT Health, 7, 3, 128-136

Dolan,I., Strauss,P., Winter,S., and Lin,A. (2020). Misgendering and experiences of stigma within health care settings for transgender individuals. Medical Journal of Australia, 12, 4, 150-151.

Strauss, P, Morgan, H, Wright-Toussaint, D, Lin, A., Winter, S. and Perry, Y. (2019) Trans and gender diverse young people’s attitudes towards game-based digital mental health interventions: a qualitative investigation. Internet Interventions,

Winter, S., Ehrensaft, D., Telfer, M., T’Sjoen, G., Koh, J., Pickstone-Taylor, S., Kruger, A., Griffin, L., Foigel, M., De Cuypere, G., and Karasic, D (2019). ICD-11 and gender incongruence of childhood: a rethink needed. The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health, 3, 10, 671-673.

Strauss, P., Cook, A., Winter, S., Watson, V., Wright Toussaint, D., & Lin, A. (2019). Associations between negative life experiences and the mental health of trans and gender diverse young people in Australia: Findings from Trans Pathways. Psychological Medicine, 50, 5, pp808-817. doi:10.1017/S0033291719000643

Knudson, K., Green, J., Tangpricha, V., Ettner, R., Bouman, W., Adrian, T., Allen, L., De Cuypere, G., Fraser, L., Hansen, TM., Karasic, D., Kreukels, B., Rachlin, K., Schechter, L., and Winter, S. (2018) Identity Recognition Statement of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH). International Journal of Transgenderism

Abdolmanafi, A., Nobre, P., Winter, S., Tilley, M., and Jahromi, R. (2018). Culture and sexuality: Cognitive- emotional determinants of sexual dissatisfaction among Iranian and New Zealand women. Journal of Sexual Medicine 15, pp687-697. doi: 10.1016/j.jsxm.2018.03.007

Suess Schwend A., Winter, S., Chiam Z., Smiley, A., and Cabral Grinspan, M (2018). Depathologising gender diversity in childhood in the process of ICD revision and reform. Global Public Health, 13, 11, pp1585-1588.

Abdolmanafi, A., Winter, S., Ghorban Jahromi, R., Farahani, H., Peixoto, M., and Nobre, P. (2017). Psychometric Properties of the Persian Version of the Questionnaire of Cognitive Schema Activation in Sexual Context (QCSASC) in Unsuccessful Sexual Situations. Sexual and Relationship Therapy. (published online Dec 15th)

Winter, S (2017) Gender Trouble: WHO, ICD-11 and the trans kids. Sexual Health, 15, 5, pp423-430.

Bouman, W., Suess, A., Motmans, J., Smiley, A., Safer, J., Deutsch, M., Adams, N., and Winter, S. (2017) Language and trans health. (Editorial). International Journal of Transgenderism, 18, 1 pp1-6.

Abdolmanafi, A, Owens, RG, Winter, S., Jahromi, RGR, Peixoto, MM, Nobre, P, (2016). Determinants of Women’s Sexual Dissatisfaction: Assessing a Cognitive-Emotional Model. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 13, pp1708-1717.

DeCuypere,G and Winter,S (2016). A Gender Incongruence diagnosis: where to go? Lancet Psychiatry, 3, 9, pp796-797. doi: 10.1016/S2215-0366(16)30212-7

Winter,S., DeCuypere,G., Green,J and Knudson,G. (2016) The proposed ICD-11 Gender Incongruence of Childhood diagnosis: a WPATH membership survey. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 45(7), pp1605-14. 10.1007/s10508-016-0811-6

Abdolmanafi,A., Azadfallah,P, Winter,S., Fata,L., Peixeto,M., Nobre,P. (2016) Psychometric Properties of the Iranian Version of the Sexual Modes Questionnaire (SMQ): To assess the association between automatic thoughts, emotions and sexual response. Sexual and Relationship Therapy. Online, June 14th.

Winter, S., Settle,E., Wylie,K., Reisner,S., Knudson,G., and Baral,S. (2016) Synergies in Health and Human Rights: A Call to Action to Improve Transgender Health. The Lancet, 388(10042): pp318-21.

Winter, S., Diamond, M., Green, J., Karasic, D., Reed, T., Whittle, S, and Wylie, K. (2016). Transgender people: health at the margins of society. The Lancet, 388 (10042), pp390-400.

Winter,S., Ehrensaft,D., Pickstone-Taylor,S., De Cuypere,G., and Tando,D. (2016). The psycho-medical case against a gender incongruence of childhood diagnosis. Lancet Psychiatry, 3, 5, pp404-405.

Poteat, T., Wirtz, A., Radix, A., Borquez, A., Silva-Santisteban, A., Deutsch, M., Khan, SI, Winter, S, Operario, D. (2015). HIV risk and preventive interventions in transgender women sex workers. The Lancet, 385, 9964, 274-286.

Winter, S. (2014). Identity recognition without the knife: towards a Gender Recognition Ordinance for Hong Kong’s transsexual people. Hong Kong Law Journal 44,1, 115-144.
Chi X.L., Hawk, S., Winter, S., and Meeus, W. (2013). The effect of comprehensive sexual education program on sexual health knowledge and sexual attitude among students in Southwest China. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health

Drescher, J, Cohen-Kettenis, P and Winter, S. (2012). Minding the body: situating gender identity diagnoses in the ICD-11. International Review of Psychiatry, 24, 6, 568-577. doi: 10.3109/09540261.2012.741575

Winter,S. (2012). Lost in transition: transgender people,. Rights and HIV vulnerability in the Asia-Pacific region. FOCUS, Vol. 69, September. Available at website of the Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center.
Chi X.L., Yu, L. and Winter, S (2012). Prevalence and correlates of sexual behaviors among university students: A study in Hefei, China. BioMed Central Public Health,12, 1, 972-981. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-12-972.

Kwok, K.,D., Winter, S., and Yuen M.T. (2012). Heterosexism in school: the counselling experience of Chinese tongzhi students in Hong Kong. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling. 40, 5, 561-575.

Coleman, E., Bockting, W., Botzer, M., Cohen-Kettenis, P., DeCuypere, G., Feldman, J., Fraser, L., Green, J., Knudson, G., Meyer, W., Monstrey, S., Adler, R., Brown, G., Devor, A., Ehrbar, R., Ettner, R., Eyler, E., Garofalo, R., Karasic, D., Lev, A.I ., Mayer, G., Meyer-Bahlburg, H., Hall, B. P., Pfaefflin, F., Rachlin, K., Robinson, B., Schechter, L., Tangpricha, V., van Trotsenburg, M., Vitale, A., Winter, S., Whittle, S., Wylie, K., & Zucker, K. (2011). Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender Nonconforming People, 7th Version. International Journal of Transgenderism, 13, pp165-232.

Winter, S. (2011). Transgender science: how might it shape the way we think about transgender rights? Hong Kong Law Journal, 40,4, 139-154.

Yu, L., and Winter, S.. (2011). Gender atypical behavior in Chinese school-aged children: its prevalence and relations to sex, age and only-child status. Journal of Sex Research, 48, 4, 334-348.

Slamah, K., Winter, S. and Ordek, K. (2010). Violence against trans sex workers (TSWs): stigma, exclusion, poverty and death. Research for Sex Work, 12, 30-31. Available at

Li L., King, M. and Winter, S. (2010). Chinese adolescent smoking, sexuality-related activities, and linkage to psychosocial profiles. Journal of Adolescent Health, S74-S75. DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2009.11.179
Harn, P.L., Wu P.L. and Winter, S. (2010). An exploratory study on gender stereotypes, gender cognitions and attitude toward male-to-female transsexuals of Taiwanese undergraduates. Formosa Journal of Mental Health, 3, 437-464. (Chinese Language).
Li,L., King,M.E. and Winter,S. (2010). Sexuality education in China: the conflict between reality and ideology. Asia-Pacific Journal of Education, 29, 4, 469-480.

Winter,S., Chalungsooth,P., Teh Y.K., Rojanalert,N., Maneerat, K., Wong Y.W., Beaumont, A., Ho, M.W., L., Gomez, F., and Macapagal, R.A. (2009). Transpeople, transprejudice and pathologisation: a seven-country factor analytic study. International Journal of Sexual Health, 21, 2: 96-118.

Winter, S. (2009). Lost in transition: transpeople, transprejudice and pathology in Asia. International Journal of Human Rights, 13, 2/3, 357-382.

Winter, S. (2009). Cultural considerations for the World Professional Association for Transgender Health Standards of Care: the Asian perspective. International Journal of Transgenderism, 11, 19-41.

Winter, S. and Doussantousse, S. (2009). Transpeople, hormones and health risks in Southeast Asia: a Lao study. International Journal of Sexual Health, 21, 1, 35-48.

King, M., Winter, S. and Webster, B. (2009). Contact reduces transprejudice: a study on attitudes towards transgenderism and transgender civil rights in Hong Kong. International Journal of Sexual Health, 21, 1, 17-34.

Yu L., Winter, S. and Xie, D. (2008). The child play behavior and activity questionnaire: a parent-report measure of childhood gender-related behavior in China. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 39: 807-815.

Winter, S., Webster, B. and Cheung, E. (2008). Measuring Hong Kong students’ attitudes towards trans people. Sex Roles, 59, 9/10, 670-683. DOI 10.1007/s11199-008-9462-y

Winter, S., Rogando-Sasot, A. and King, M. (2007). Transgendered women of the Philippines. International Journal of Transgenderism, 10, 2, 79-90.

Winter, S. (2006) What made me this way? Contrasting reflections by Thai and Filipina transwomen. Intersections 14.

Winter, S, (2006). Thai transgenders in focus: their beliefs about attitudes towards and origins of transgender. International Journal of Transgenderism, 9, 2, 47-62.

Winter, S. (2006). Thai transgenders in focus: demographics, transitions and identities. International Journal of Transgenderism, 9, 1, 15-27.

Winter, S. (2005). Heterogeneity in transgender: a cluster analysis of a Thai sample. International Journal of Transgenderism, 8, 1, 31-42.

Winter, S. (2004). Transgender, the view from Asia. Gender Identity Disorder Journal, 2,1, pp7-13.

Winter, S. (2002). Transgender and society: an Asian perspective. Newsletter of the Comparative and Historical Section of the American Sociology Association. 14, 3, 16-18.

Winter, S. and Udomsak, N. (2002). Gender stereotype and self among transgenders: underlying elements. International Journal of Transgenderism, 6, 2.

Winter, S. and Udomsak, N. (2002). Male, female and transgender: stereotypes and self in Thailand. International Journal of Transgenderism, 6, 1.
Chapters in books and other edited works
Knudson. G., Winter, S, Baral, S. Reisner, S., and Wylie, K. (2019) An introduction to gender diversity. In Unger,C. (Ed.) Comprehensive Care of the Transgender Patient. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Winter, S (2017) WHO, ICD and the young children. In Devor,A and Haefele-Thomas,A. Transgender: A Reference Handbook. ABC-CLIO
Winter, S. (2011). Transgender sex work, stigma, death and psychiatry. In Sex Worker Rights are Human Rights (Ed. Ordek,K.) Ankara: Pembe Hayat and Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
Winter, S and King, M. (2011). Well and truly fucked: transwomen, stigma, sex work and sexual health in South to East Asia. Ch. 9 in Global Perspectives on Prostitution and Sex Trafficking: Africa, Asia, Middle East, and Oceania Ed. Dalla, R., Baker, L., DeFrain, J. and Williamson, C. Lanham: Lexington Books. (pp139-164).
Winter, S. (2011). Transpeople (Khon Kham Phet) in Thailand: transprejudice, exclusion, and the presumption of mental illness. Ch.13 in Queer Bangkok: 21st Century Media, Markets and Rights. Jackson, P (Ed.) Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press (pp251-267).

Winter, S. (2010). Lost in transition: transpeople, transprejudice and pathology in Asia. Ch.12 in Protection of Sexual Minorities since Stonewall: Progress and Stalemate in Developed and Developing countries. Chan C.W.,P. (Ed.). London: Routledge.
Winter, S. (2008). Language and identity in transgender: gender wars and the Thai kathoey. Ch.8 in Lin,A. (Ed.). Problematizing Identity: Everyday Struggles in Language, Culture and Education. US: Lawrence Erlbaum. (119-135).
Encyclopedia entries (* commissioned)
Winter,S. (2021). Health in non-Western contexts. In Goldberg, A. and Beemyn, G. (Eds) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Trans Studies. Sage.
Winter,S. (2021). ICD-11. In Goldberg, A. and Beemyn, G. (Eds) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Trans Studies. Sage.
Winter,S . (2015) Transgender. In Whelahan,P and Bolin,A. (Eds.) International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality, (Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ
Winter, S. (2012). Education and transgender diversity in Asia. In Banks, J (Ed) Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education. Sage.
Winter, S. and King, M. (2009). Hong Kong. In Stewart,C., (Ed.) Encyclopedia of LGBT Issues, Greenwood Press, Santa Barbara, CA, USA.
Published conference proceedings
Winter, S. (2008). Transpeople in Thailand: acceptance or oppression. Proceedings of ICTS10: Tenth International Conference of Thai Studies. ‘Thai Societies in a Transnationalised World’. Thammasat University, Bangkok, Jan.
Winter, S. (2005). Of sin and transgender in Asia. Proceedings of the First International Conference of Queer Studies in Asia ‘Sexualities, Genders and Rights in Asia’. Bangkok, July.
Review articles and book reviews
Winter, S. (2008). Review of ‘Sexual Identity: Effeminacy among University Students’, by Noraini Mohd. Noor, Jamil Farooqui, Ahmad Abd. Al-Rahim Nasr, Hazizan Bin Md. Noon, and Shukran Abdul Rahman. Kuala Lumpur: International Islamic University, Malaysia. 2005. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 37, 668-670.
Winter, S. (2002). Review of ‘O Au No Keia: Voices from Hawai'i's Mahu and Transgender Communities’ by Andrew Matzner. USA: XLibris Corporation. Intersections, 8.
Consultancy and in-house reports
Abdolmanafi,A, Winter,S., Burns,S., Davis-McCabe,C, Tilley,PJM., Hendriks,J (2019). Teaching personnel survey on inclusion and diversity in the Asia Pacific region. Curtin University.
Winter, S. (2013). It's time for change: towards a gender recognition ordinance for Hong Kong. For Professional Commons (Hong Kong) and Pink Alliance (Adopted as policy paper by both organisations, and forwarded by Professional Commons to the Department of Justice of Government of the Hong Kong S.A.R.).
Winter, S. (2013).Arguments against the proposed gender incongruence in childhood diagnosis. For the WPATH ICD-11 Consensus Meeting, San Francisco, February. Edited version reprinted in the report of the meeting (pp58-67) and sent to WHO Geneva. file:///Users/samwinter/Downloads/ICD%20Meeting%20Packet-Report-Final-sm.pdf
Winter, S. (2012). What to do about those weirdoes over there in Block F65? For WHO Working Group on Sexual Disorders and Sexual Health. Available at:
Winter, S. (2012). With disorder in mind: the HIV case for removal of transgender diagnoses from ICD Chapter 5. Commissioned text for UNAIDS HQ, Geneva.
Winter, S. (2012). With reform in mind; advocating removal of transgender diagnoses from ICD Chapter 5. Commissioned text for UNAIDS HQ, Geneva.
Baudh, S., Oetomo, D,, Maboloc, G., Slamah, K., De Guzman, M., Winter, S., Satya, R., Pant, S., Khilji, T., Teh Y.K. (Working Group for the Transgender Project: South and South-East Asia) (2008). Bangkok: The South and South-East Asian Resource Centre on Sexuality.
Winter, S. (2005). Review of Draft Clinical Guidelines for ‘Sexual Health Care of Men who have Sex with Men and Transgender People in Asia’. USA: Family Health International.
Selected other publications:
Strauss, P., Cook,A., Lin,A. and Winter,S., (2017) Almost half of trans young people try to end their life. How can we reduce this alarming statistic? The Conversation, Sep 1.
Winter, S (2017). ICD-11? Big ideas? Big debates! Medicus (Magazine of the Australian Medical Association (West Australia branch) 57, 3, pp23-24
Winter, S., Riley, E., Pickstone-Taylor, S., Suess, A., Winters, K., Griffin, L., …De Cuypere, G. (2016). The ‘‘Gender Incongruence of Childhood’’ diagnosis revisited: A statement from clinicians and researchers.
Winter, S. and Knight,K (2015) Remember today that transgender kids are kids first. Huffington Post, 21 November.
Winter,S (2015). Enhancing Lives by Depathologising Trans*. Global Action for Trans*Equality website.
Winter, S. (2015). Identity Without the Knife. Medical Forum, Perth: Medical Hub
Winter, S. (2015). Lost in Transition. Medical Forum, Perth: Medical Hub.
Winter, S. (2014). Gender troubles: what’s wrong with the WHO proposal for gender incongruence in childhood.GID Reform Weblog.

Winter, S. (2012). Foreword to Leung, J. (2012) ‘Gossip boys and girls: domestic transgender reading manual - Hong Kong version’. Hong Kong: Transgender Resource Center.
Winter, S. (2005). Transsexuals. A public information leaflet produced for TEAM (Transgender Equality and Acceptance Movement) and funded by HAB (Home Affairs Bureau of the Government of Hong Kong SAR).
Winter, S. (2006). Living in Limbo. G Magazine. Hong Kong. June. 8-10
Winter, S. (2006). The Asian transgendered experience. Campaigning, No.121, published by the International Lesbian and Gay Association (no page numbers).